Monday 27 January 2014

Walt Disney Pictures Modern Ident

This ident is 30 seconds long, in contrast to their classic ident, a shining star is shown, the camera then moves below the star and clouds to show a mystical and beautiful landscape with a lake streaming through the middle. The camera moves back and there are a close up of a flag moving suggesting there is wind apparent. The camera moves back and a display of fireworks are shown as the full view of the castle is shown. The castle is identical to the castle situated in Disneyland Paris. The camera still moving backwards, we are able to see the lake goes through the door of the castle and then a shooting star is seen going over the castle similar to the classic ident used for Walt Disney Paris. The camera still moving backwards, we are able to see the lake goes through the door of the castle and then a shooting star is seen going over the castle similar to the classic ident used for Walt Disney. The word ‘Walt Disney’ is shown at the bottom of the screen in a very transparent white colour and the word ‘pictures’ appears below this.

The connotation of this ident is exactly the same as the previous ident, however, this ident seems to enhance the feeling of magic and dreams making it seem more realistic yet mystical. The connotation of the castle being identical to the one in Disneyland Paris allows people to make an association of the things connected with Walt Disney and also allows people to know they can escape reality to a place where dreams do come true, as if to promote a place which is in connection with the world of Disney.

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