Friday 31 January 2014

Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule for our horror film title which shows the different locations of each shot and the amount of time it would take to film the shots.

Shot List

This is the shotlist for our horror film titles which explains the amount of shots their are and exactly what happens in each shot.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Health and Safety Form

The health and safety form is important as we will be filming in an open area where their will be many hazards and our group could be at risk and so this form will enable us to know what to do if such a situation is to occur. This form shows the type of hazard which may be present, the risk it could cause, who is at risk, the control measures which identifies what to do to avoid being at risk and comments/actions which identifies what to do if we are at risk. The risk has also been rated on what is highest risk and what is at the lowest risk. This form enables us to travel and film safely and also be aware of what to do if at risk.

Monday 27 January 2014

Walt Disney Pictures Modern Ident

This ident is 30 seconds long, in contrast to their classic ident, a shining star is shown, the camera then moves below the star and clouds to show a mystical and beautiful landscape with a lake streaming through the middle. The camera moves back and there are a close up of a flag moving suggesting there is wind apparent. The camera moves back and a display of fireworks are shown as the full view of the castle is shown. The castle is identical to the castle situated in Disneyland Paris. The camera still moving backwards, we are able to see the lake goes through the door of the castle and then a shooting star is seen going over the castle similar to the classic ident used for Walt Disney Paris. The camera still moving backwards, we are able to see the lake goes through the door of the castle and then a shooting star is seen going over the castle similar to the classic ident used for Walt Disney. The word ‘Walt Disney’ is shown at the bottom of the screen in a very transparent white colour and the word ‘pictures’ appears below this.

The connotation of this ident is exactly the same as the previous ident, however, this ident seems to enhance the feeling of magic and dreams making it seem more realistic yet mystical. The connotation of the castle being identical to the one in Disneyland Paris allows people to make an association of the things connected with Walt Disney and also allows people to know they can escape reality to a place where dreams do come true, as if to promote a place which is in connection with the world of Disney.

Disney Classic Ident

Classic Walt Disney Ident:
The following ident is of the Walt Disney picture which was formed in the 1980s. It is 16 seconds long and is most recognizable for Disney movies. It begins with a black screen were a small blue flag is shown (this represents the tip of the castle) as the rest of the castle becomes apparent on the screen the background goes blue with the castle a lighter blue with a glow around it giving it a magical feeling. A sweet melody is played while this appears, a bright light shines and the word Walt Disney appears, the sound becomes louder and comes across with an even more magical tone. The word ‘pictures’ appears after this directly underneath and then a shooting star goes from the right side and shoots over the castle where the magical music increases and then comes to a stop.

The connotation of the castle glowing and the shooting star presents a magical feeling, seeing as Walt Disney’s target audience is mostly aimed at young children it also shares a sense of a child’s imagination and their thoughts/dreams. It presents the aim of most of their early films and still many of their films yet to date where “dreams do come true”.  The glowing light on the castle and the writing also presents a magical and dreamy feeling.

Longsgate Horror Ident

The following ident is also of lionsgate, however, this ident is used for the genre of horror. This is also 23 seconds long and begins exactly the same as the original ident. The only difference is of the colours being of a dark red/brown and so once the word ‘lionsgate’ appears it is now among red clouds.


The connotations remain the same throughout, however due to the change in colour the ident as a whole connotes a horror feeling due to the colour red representing blood often and so the ident portrays a scary theme in comparison to their original ident.

Longsgate Ident

The following ident is of lionsgate; it is 23 seconds long and is recognizable for the films it produces. Within the beginning of the ident, we can identify mechanical objects of the type we see behind a working clock, the camera then zooms out and appears to be looking through a keyhole; the camera continues to zoom out as it becomes apparent there is a large gate which begins to open with light shining through and the word ‘lionsgate’ appears large across the shot among clouds, this then fades to black.


The connotation of the word ‘lionsgate’ appearing amongst the clouds represents the production to be of power as it is above all. The gate opening to present the logo presents a feeling of being prestige as if to show something overly powerful showing ‘lionsgate’ to be of a big company and having a superior power.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Feedback and Improved Film Pitch.

The feedback was filled in by many of my peers on what they liked about our film pitch and what they think could be improved on to make our film pitch better. Above this is the improved film pitch where we took the constructive improvements and added them to the film pitch. One of our suggestions was to choose props which were easier to get hold of however, we are able to access this prop easily and so this won't be a problem.

Film Pitch

This is the first version of our film pitch, where we based many of our ideas from our questionnaire analysis of what our target audience preferred in the genre of horror.