Thursday 19 December 2013

Questionnaire Analysis

This questionnaire was produced in order to gain insight on who our target audience were and what they enjoyed watching when it came to horror film titles. This will produce to be helpful when deciding the concept of our horror film title. 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Shotlist for Two Eyes Staring

This is a shotlist I prepared when analysing a horror movie title, called 'Two Eyes Staring' where I went through every shot within the horror film title and analysed what was included in each shot.

This is a shotlist completed by my team member Charly Mee where she analysed the horror film title from 'Silent Hill' and completed the table on what was occurring in every shot during the whole of the horror film title.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Horror Film Research

This is a horror film timeline which I have completed so we are able to see the different genres and types of horror films which have been released from one of the first horror films to one of the most recent horror films, this also enables us to identify any remakes which may have been made.

This is a certificate rating chart which was completed by one of my group members who has left. This enables us to identify what the different certificates mean and what film's are suitable for the which audience enabling us to have a better understanding of how horror film's target their different audiences.

This is an iconography presentation completed by my team member Charly Mee. This enables us to see the different types of weapons which are typical to be seen in horror films and the type of films they may be shown in and so we can identify what would be appropriate to be shown in the different genre's of horror.