Thursday 21 November 2013

Preliminary Task


My preliminary task was chosen to be filmed inside a school building. As a group we decided we wanted the story to be quite dramatic and so came up with a storyline which is most dramatic and tense for teenagers still attending school. Thus the preliminary task consists of a teenage preganacy which is appropriate due to the location. My main role during the preliminary task was filming/directing and also editing. While filming I had to be aware of the msie-en-scene, making sure everything appropriate was included in the frame and so irrelevant objects were removed. I also had to make sure the actors were playing the part and doing exactly what they were given to do to represent the emotions needed for the task. Editing the footage proved to be the most difficult part of the task, the reason is due to putting different footages together such as match on action, however, I included a section in black and white which was also slowed down, doing this produced a sense of tension of what was to be revealed.